Favorite Home School Readers

pathway readersTeach me Your way, O Lord;
I will walk in Your truth;
Unite my heart to fear Your name.  Psalm 86:11 (NKJV)

Which books do I still keep on my shelf after 20 years of homeschooling?  Please let me share them with you!

Today let’s look at our reading books.  I’m so thankful God started us on these readers with our first child, because they are the best!  I’ve tried other books over the years, and nothing compares with these Pathway Readers.  The books are for grades 1-8, and my only wish is that they had four more books to go through 12th grade!

From First Steps to Our Heritage, you will read stories about Amish families, like Peter and Rachel’s.  The black and white illustrations never show the people, just the scenery and animals.  But that doesn’t bother our children.  It lets them imagine what the characters look like.  Each story is a lesson in character building, as we read about boys and girls who try to do their chores and lessons and be good, just as we are trying to do at our house.  As we reach the upper grade books, we read more stories from history, some of the best collections I’ve seen.

The highlight of my morning is sitting on the sofa with my children, reading these books.  We especially enjoy taking turns reading pages.  This makes it easier for a slower reader.  The youngest play toys on the floor at our feet, enjoying the stories as well.  More than once a child has exclaimed, “I remember this story!”  when it came his year to read it in the book.  He really was listening when playing at our feet!


Another set of books we truly love are The Miller books by Mildred A. Martin.  These titles include Storytime and the Millers, School Days and the Millers, Wisdom and the Millers, Prudence and the Millers, Growing with the Millers, and Missionary Stories with the Millers.  The Miller family stories will stick with you and your children, long after the day is over.  I remember crying through many of the Missionary Stories, asking the kids to finish reading for me. Your children get to learn life lessons right along with the Miller children, as their parents bring them up in the Lord.

The entire set of Miller books is available from Milestonebooks.com right now for only $39.50.  Another great investment for your home school!

With Pathway Readers and Miller books as the core of your reading program, you won’t need much else.  However, it is always fun to sit as a family each evening, enjoying a classic read-aloud. So, next time I will share our favorite series and classics that are still on our bookshelf after 20 years of home school.

Until then, God bless your home school!

Hear, my children, the instruction of a father,
And give attention to know understanding.
Proverbs 4:1 (NKJV)

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.

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